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Products Not Showing

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  • Products Not Showing

    I've been having trouble with my products not showing up, and instead my screen displaying either a blank page, or me header and content that comes BEFORE my store products, when viewing on my laptop and iPad (seems to work fine on my iPhone). Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

    I'm not entirely sure if this is just a problem with my devices, or whether its a problem with the coding on my Easy Cart. My website is and the problem link is 'Logo Studio' on the top menu, although this problem happens with many other links all of the time, all of which I have removed (and therefore can not generate sales from those products!). I have put the Logo Studio link to give an example. If it is working for anyone, please let me know so I can determine whether its just my device or an actual issue. Thanks.


  • #2
    Did you figure it out? I can't get my store to show any items, on any device, with my products... but the products show in their own page. I'm using Button 2 Theme.


    • #3
      Just figured it out. (feel stupid, too)

      In each product page, under Basic Settings, the "Show on Main Store Page" box was unchecked...


      • #4
        That wasn't the case for me. It was more likely an error in the coding. Once I upgraded everything started working fine again.


        • #5
          If product list appears different between computer and mobile device, two common issues are:

          1. Caching - If you see one list of products on your computer and another on your mobile device, sometimes the store page is cached and the phone version is no getting the latest version. Typically this is because caching does not occur when logged into WordPress as an admin. In this case clearing the cache will update the product list for everyone (sometimes caching is done by a plugin, other times by your host/server).

          2. CSS - Sometimes product lists are hidden due to a theme's css moving the element out of view. The solution will vary greatly from one theme to the next, most commonly a float left can be added to the store page product list element to fix.

          If products are simply missing from your product list on the main store page, the solution is as suggested earlier, check the "show on main store page" box in the product edit page, "basic settings" section. If you can't see the list at all, check the css issue from above.

