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Elementor and Auto-Generated Category Pages

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  • Elementor and Auto-Generated Category Pages

    Hey y'all,

    We use Elementor as the page builder of choice for our website builds and we love using WP EasyCart for eCommerce.

    We have a client that we have implemented both on and have a store page with category links in the left sidebar. These are auto-generated from the widget we've dropped in for the store. The thing is I want to customize a little of the layout around the products/store when you click on the category pages (basically add a color block "header" like I have for the main store page). But I can't find anywhere where I can do that unless I make custom pages for those categories. I thought maybe I could build an Elementor template and apply it to the "Store Category" pages like you can apply a template to like a blog post or an archive listing page, etc., but I can't find that option.

    If the above doesn't make sense please let me know and I can clarify.

    Here's a link to the client's main store page so you can see what I'm talking about and hopefully that helps:
