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Product Titles and Page Names

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  • Product Titles and Page Names

    I've been doing some editing on our product pages and noticed that if changing the product title, it changes the page name. From an SEO standpoint this is a bad idea, as the search engines have indexed the older page name, meaning I have to set up a redirects for any backwards links that might be pointing to the old product page (too much management). We run an affiliate marketing program, so this issue is bigger than just what the search engines have in there indexes as affiliates will be linking to these pages directly also.

    Is there a work-around or am I overlooking something?

  • #2
    Custom post types build their page names off the titles, so yes, I would think setting a title should be fairly set, but if you change them a lot, you can turn that custom post type method off. Just go to easycart admin -> advanced options and turn 'Use custom post type method' to off.

    It's not nearly as SEO friendly in naming as it uses URL variable methods, but it would be more consistent...

