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Product Options Pricing

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  • admin

    So from what I can see, you need to make those all products... Then you can have the quantity, text box field for them to enter the names.

    you could put them into a collection or category of products for an event, then control that on your main menu, but they do need to be products. Can't really have one giant configurable product with that scenario I don't think.

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  • SwissArmyKnife
    I created 2 document templates in Word 2010 and used the templates to create a sample of what I would like to see in my product definitions. There are 2 products and each product has 2 Option Sets - Entry Fee and Prize Fund. Although each product uses the same Option Sets, the option prices in product1 are different from those in product2. You can see my samples at

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  • SwissArmyKnife
    started a topic Product Options Pricing

    Product Options Pricing

    I am setting up EasyCart for bowling tournament payments and cannot conceive of a process that will allow me to control pricing on product options.

    I have 11 tournaments. Each tournament has up to 4 Divisions: 1,2,3,& 4. Each Division has 2 types of fees - Entry Fee and Prize Fund. A bowler must pay an Entry Fee for 1 of the 4 Divisions and may optionally pay into the Prize Fund of any of the other 3 Divisions.

    In other words, each product is a tournament. My first option set is Entry Fee - a shopper selects only 1 of 4 Divisions (suggests the use of a radio button). My second option set is Prize Fund - a shopper may select up to 3 Divisions exclusive of his Entry Fee Division (suggest the use of checkboxes).

    The price of each of these 8 selections must be set individually. In fact, each of the 11 tournaments may have a different fee structure, so they must also be set for each individual tournament.

    Is there a graceful, efficient way to d???o this? Thank you.