I am scratching my head trying to figure this out.
Looking through the table schema of ec_product I cannot find "product_model_number" field. Is this field located somewhere else? Is there a constraint I am not aware of?
Any suggestions?
Thank you!
Failed to execute query on line[ 3935]: 1062Error Message: Duplicate entry '' for key 'product_model_number' Query: INSERT INTO `ec_product` (is_demo_item, model_number, activate_in_store, title, description, price, list_price, seo_description, seo_keywords, image1, manufacturer_id, is_taxable, is_shippable, stock_quantity, max_purchase_quantity) VALUES(0, '', 1, 'Round 1.09ct I color', 'Round ', 54.25, 54.25, 'Round 1.09 of a I color.', 'certified wholesale', 'http://example.com/../images/icon-round.png', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
Any suggestions?
Thank you!