First, I would not post that type of information on a public forum... but rather view our support ticket link on our website and submit a private ticket. (I have removed it from the forum for now).
second, if you are having connection errors like that, which say 'User Not Authenticated', it sounds like sessions are not working on your server properly... which we are finding is very common. Either not writable sessions or they are just not configured. Visit your 'store Status' page and see if you have any red lights.
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Difficulty signing into Easycart admin
Same difficulty. Admin panel fails at logging me in. Error message "Communications Error: There was an error processing one of your service requests. This error usually occurs when your plugin is out of date and needs to align with the current version of the admin console you have installed. Please insure you have the latest version of the EasyCart plugin.
Returned Fault: User not authenticated
No update available. Went to my plugins/wpeasycartdata/communication/ec_comm.php and this is what I find:
define ('HOSTNAME',
Unfortunately I can't find anything (including the sample) that tells me what that's suppose to say.
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EasyCart doesn't talk to our servers, all that information and hosting is on your host... so you might check your local web hosting for an outage or any downtime on your hosting...
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Can't get access this evening. Same thing happened last two evenings. Anyone else experiencing this difficulty? Thanks. (All other web sites, hosting sites, etc. working fine).
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Difficulty signing into Easycart admin
I'm experiencing difficulty signing in to the easycart admin console. Can't get access this evening. Same thing happened last two evenings. Anyone else experiencing this difficulty? Thanks. (All other web sites, hosting sites, etc. working fine).Tags: None
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