Hello: I have seen this error before if you have taxcloud enabled and are looking for a validated address, and a few other setting combinations, but not sure. You might visit www.wpeasycart.com/my-account and submit a secure support ticket and we will take a look at settings...
Please do not post this information in the forum... thanks
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"Something is wrong with the address you have entered"
"Something is wrong with the address you have entered"
When attempting to check out from the */cart/?ec_page=checkout_info page, after entering a valid shipping address, hitting the "Continue to Shipping" redirects to */cart/?ec_page=checkout_info&ec_cart_error=invalid_addre ss, which displays the error message, "Something is wrong with the address you have entered. Please check your city, state, zip, and country to make sure the values are correct." There is nothing wrong with the address. I cannot find any documentation of this error message. Any assistance would be appreciated.
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