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Exporting all EasyCart data

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  • Exporting all EasyCart data


    Really new to WP and EasyCart.

    I think I have created a mess. Since installing WP last week, I have installed at least 3 themes. Currently I'm using the free Easy Store theme. It doesn't look any where near what its supposed to look like as compared to the original. I think, but don't know for sure, that so it has to do with carry over from previous themes. The vertical side menus are an eye sore. The original are clean and on the left. Mine are on the right and just really look bad.

    Thinking about doing a reset and starting over. I have csv exported my products but don't see away to export all my settings in EasyCart. I have also created a backup of my site in case a reset doesn't work

    Need some good advice on what to do.


  • #2
    EasyCart doesn't export all it's settings and content, it's intertwined into the wordpress so much that you install it, that doing a full move or backup means you need to insure you have the entire database and the entire file set, not just one-click backups and moving just easycart is like trying to move just a full theme and settings or other complex plugins. It won't move essentially. You can do an export of products, but that is really so you can quickly edit them and re-import to make bulk changes, not for shifts of software.

    Usually, a reinstall doesn't fix anything You would be better off to just install a theme from scratch, even remove content and what not and have a fresh start than to try and reinstall things. EasyCart just runs inside 3 pages, the store, cart, account pages. So whatever theme you have is the shell to your site and creates headers, menus, sidebars, footers. The better quality theme, the better chances you have with options that you like... but in the end, the themes are usually designed around one purpose, to look the way the theme developer wanted it to work and look.


    • #3

      For grins and giggles, I setup a second store but used WooCoomcerce so I could see and understand better.

      I don't get why anyone would choose WooCommerce over WP EasyCart. These theme developers apparently have WooCommerce embedded in their themes. Still don't know why, unless they are getting some sort of kickback from WooCommerce. Maybe not, but something or some reason leads me to believe something smells a little fishy.

