I cannot for the life of me figure out how to create an image for each combination of option sets. The documentation shows screens that do not exist. I can go to the Product Images section and create and add several option sets(lets just say SIze and Color), but only the first option set appears (e.g. Size large, Size small). I can enter images for each of those, however there is no way to enter images for "Small Red" and "Large Red" or "Small Blue" and "Large Blue" . If I switch to Advanced option sets, regardless if I have "Use First Modifer" turned on or off, NO options appear. There is a message saying "Select an Item
You must have a valid product option (basic option) or modifier (advanced option) selected"
But there is no way to select an option.
Help! I've tried everything I can think of.
You must have a valid product option (basic option) or modifier (advanced option) selected"
But there is no way to select an option.
Help! I've tried everything I can think of.